Official Statement – Primrose & Theunis Crous

16 Jan


This statement is being issued to various institutions in the media. It is issued on the basis that while excerpts may be quoted in general editorials within the media, this may only be done on the understanding that the full statement is also published in the applicable publication.

We would like to issue an official statement in respect of the recent pictures that have been posted on social networks.

As a first comment, we would like to make it very clear that we are extremely disapproving of the distasteful pictures that have now been made public. When they were taken, no consideration was given to the chance that they would be made public and as such we are deeply disappointed that this has now happened.

We do not condone or appreciate the actions of the person or persons who have posted these pictures on the social networks and in addition make no assumption as to who is responsible. It goes without saying therefore that we categorically deny being responsible either directly or indirectly for having posted these pictures on social networks.

We intend to use whatever legal means are available to us to prevent this kind of thing from happening again and to ensure that our family and friends are protected from further and similar acts of such nature.

We will not be responding to any questions or assumptions on this or any related matter; primarily on the basis that we do not wish to lower ourselves to the levels of the person or persons responsible for this act.

We remain a family with deep love for each other, our children, family and friends and we will continue to work on these positive aspects of our lives. We would therefore appreciate it if our privacy could be respected in that we will not engage in any further discussion on this matter.

Your cooperation and understanding in this regard is appreciated.

Theunis and Primrose Crous

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